Evan Jared Kravitz, USA
I am the whirling soccer ball and very much omnipotent
I wonder my path, my final destination
I hear the song of the cool, brisk air hovering over my patched material
I see the barbarians on a war front of a field,
battling over my possession
I want to soar effortlessly into the white netting
I am the whirling soccer ball and very much omnipotent
I pretend that I am not afraid
I feel the telepathic vibrations gliding me along
I touch the hard, rocky field
I worry sometimes that I may disintegrate on the cruel vast field,
amidst the turmoil
I cry for the others who are not brave enough to enter the game
I am the whirling soccer ball and very much omnipotent
I understand that I am going to get kicked around
I say it only makes me stronger
I dream of a soccer game where overtime lasts an eternity
I try to be kind and decent along the way
With only seconds left in the final game,
I hope that I have left an imprint in the net
I am the whirling soccer ball and very much omnipotent
Collected from:
This is a really cool poem. I tried to contact the Author/Poet, Evan Jared Kravitz, but I could not get the person's email to ask for permission to post here, but I am afraid that the poem page would be changed, and this poem would be lost forever, so I post it here just to preserve this great treasure.